Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya Kotabagh

Department of Home Science was established in the year 2020-21 with under graduate programme. Syllabus of Home Science includes mainly five fields i.e. Foods and Nutrition (F&N), Clothing and Textile (CT), Human Development (HD), Family Resource Management (FRM) and Extension Education Communication.

            The department has equipped with essential instruments and apparatus for practical work related to foods and nutrition and clothing & textile. Five different fields of subjects covers the human health issues related to their diet. Money management including saving, making family budget to enhance family income is also a part of subject. Clothing construction, storage of clothing, designing, colouring, printing is another stream of Home science. Study of child development from birth to old age helps students to know about the various stages of human development. While under the extension education students communicate with rural people to impart the knowledge related to their problems through various sources as projected and non-projected aids.          

            Department is currently engaged with permanent and qualified teaching faculty. Five   Ph.D. scholars are under the faculty. Among five scholars two are in permanent government jobs, while other two are working as Guest faculty in different colleges of Kumaun University. The faculty possesses the life membership of Home Science Association of India since 2017, also member of various cells and committees of the college.          

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