Rajkiya Mahavidyalaya Kotabagh

Literature is where I go to explore the highest and lowest places in human society and in the human spirit, where I hope to find not absolute truth but the truth of the tale, of the imagination and of the heart.
Salman Rushdie

 Hence, the importance of English Literature can be understood through the above statement that Literature is the mirror of Society and all subject are interlinked with literature either it is Philosophy or Art and History. The focus area of English Department includes and ensures to students with positive and innovative development which helps to enshrine the overall development especially in writing for scope of theatre and other literary genres. From 2017-2022 till now 160 students have enrolled in the Department of English. 

I feel honoured and privileged to announce that I am achievingbest experience and exposure to among my dear students. The Aim of the New Education
Policy 2020 is to instil among the learners a deep rooted pride in being, not only in thought, but also in spirit, intellect and deeds as well as the foundation knowledge, skills, values. Therefore, we organise a number of creative activities such as writing short stories, construction of poems and theatricals performances in order to increase the intellectual levelof the students. And along with this, students can also be career oriented and contribute to Self-Reliant India in other words.

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